And, finally, I think this might do it for the catching up on all the holidays blog!
Christmas at our house – awesome. This is the first time we have ever been at our house for Christmas. Also the first time we haven’t gone to northeast AR over Christmas break as well. Our break was several days shorter this year and we really wanted Brett to have Christmas day at our house for a change, and start making our own Christmas traditions and memories for him. It was fun to make cookies for Santa on Christmas Eve, fun to enjoy our house and our fireplace and our tree and our decorations and just be at home to wake up and see what all Santa brought!
Christmas Morning:
Christmas Afternoon: beautiful weather!
We were very excited Mom and Ken came to see us for Christmas this year! They actually came down the day after Christmas and spent a few days. We were so glad they were here. They came bearing gifts as well, from them and from our family we didn’t get to see this time, which was so nice!
We all got to go enjoy a Razorback Basketball game while they were here. We also indulged on cotton candy, skittles, and funnel cake!!
Thanks Mom and Ken, for coming to our place to help us enjoy Christmas together! We missed everyone we didn’t get to see this time and thank them for sending the wonderful gifts!!
I was so sad to see the decorations go! Till next year!