Saturday, January 23, 2010

Big People Food

One of our new things over the past couple weeks more baby food! The week we went back to daycare/school after the long break, he began trying "real" lunch at daycare and I continued the baby food at supper. Then one night he completely shunned the baby food - held up his hand and turned his head as if to say "Mom - I'm to0 big for this stuff now. Give me the real stuff". This has actually turned out to be much easier, in some respects, since he can pretty much eat whatever we eat (in small pieces). Thought the grandparents might like to see him enjoying a meal or two! In one video he was sooooo tired...he had only one 30 minute nap at daycare that day, finally went to sleep when he got home - and we only got him up long enough to eat dinner, take a bath, and go right back to bed! He is really enjoying breads right now, like pancakes and rolls...he also still LOVES fruit. He likes potatoes alot - i baked sweet potato fries in the oven one night and he even likes broccoli and cheese. Brett is a big fan of cheerios too. And I'm a little thankful (sometimes) for the floor cleaning crew (Buster). Because a lot sure does wind up down there.

Friday, January 15, 2010


More home videos...just playing!

Thursday, January 7, 2010


We've lots of catching up to do as usual, but first things first! Had to post a video - this is mostly what we've been up to since we've been out of school this whole week for snow/cold (nobody likes getting out of bed when it's this cold anyways!)!! We have really loved our extended time off and have enjoyed getting so much family time. It's made for a nice long holiday break. Christmas was so much fun with our families and our little one--will save those photos for another day. I'm extra thankful we were home this week - otherwise we wouldn't have gotten to see Brett's next two milestones firsthand because he would have been at daycare! Little man turned 10 months old yesterday. It's so hard to believe! He is truly the center of our world and the joy of our lives. I'm not sure where the time goes, but every night when I'm rocking him before I put him in his crib I think about how small and sweet and cuddly he is at that very moment and just try to soak it all up. But back to the video - Brett is officially on the move! And he is just about to be EVERYWHERE. For the past month or so he's been acting like he was getting ready to crawl just anytime. He started out trying to get on all fours but would always get one leg stuck underneath him...then if he got brave and leaned (or lunged) forward he would just fall on his face. The day after Christmas he took one tiny "step" forward--just barely! This past Sunday when I was taking down the tree he was finally motivated to take a few more "steps" when he saw all the ornaments laying on the floor. He really loves going after those things he can't have! Yesterday he would look at a toy and whine a little before he would realize he could actually go after it himself. Each day since then he's gotten a little braver and has finally started to realize that he can he explored a little further...and I know he is just about to figure out he can go just about anywhere he pleases. Today he also pulled up to a standing position for the first time, using his red wagon his grandma Peggy got him for Christmas. We brought it in from the garage so he could play with it since it seems it will be awhile before the weather is decent enough to take him for a ride. I thought some folks might enjoy the video of Brett doing what he does - particularly his grandparents. We think he's pretty fun to watch. :) And the ball. Have I mentioned this boy is obsessed with the basketballs? They bring an instant smile to his face. He loves to sit and roll it back and forth with us. That's a video for another day. I was trying to urge him to crawl after his ball so I could get him on video crawling a little more, but he actually didn' I sound like I'm talking to Buster telling him to go get his ball. We did a little 10 month photo shoot last night in the new outfit his Memaw got him for Christmas - which is getting a bit more difficult since he's a busy little fella these days.

I love these sweet feet.

The End.