Saturday, January 23, 2010

Big People Food

One of our new things over the past couple weeks more baby food! The week we went back to daycare/school after the long break, he began trying "real" lunch at daycare and I continued the baby food at supper. Then one night he completely shunned the baby food - held up his hand and turned his head as if to say "Mom - I'm to0 big for this stuff now. Give me the real stuff". This has actually turned out to be much easier, in some respects, since he can pretty much eat whatever we eat (in small pieces). Thought the grandparents might like to see him enjoying a meal or two! In one video he was sooooo tired...he had only one 30 minute nap at daycare that day, finally went to sleep when he got home - and we only got him up long enough to eat dinner, take a bath, and go right back to bed! He is really enjoying breads right now, like pancakes and rolls...he also still LOVES fruit. He likes potatoes alot - i baked sweet potato fries in the oven one night and he even likes broccoli and cheese. Brett is a big fan of cheerios too. And I'm a little thankful (sometimes) for the floor cleaning crew (Buster). Because a lot sure does wind up down there.

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