Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Our little patient, and other randomness

Buster had surgery on his leg last Tuesday to repair his knee that wouldn't stay in place. Although he is not using this leg (he only walks on 3 and the vet said he may not use it for a few months) he is getting around quite well and seems to be feeling better. We hope this will make him feel better in the long run. It hurts me just to look at it! He gets his staples removed next week...poor baby. And how would you feel if you had to wear a funnel around your head?!

As for the other randomness, check out the size of this moth! I have never seen a moth like this; all the ones I've seen are small and some shade of ugly brown, gray, or black. He flew in our house the other night and he was just beautiful!

Finally, here are some adorable pictures of little miss Audrie (Rachle and Jamie's almost 4 month old) taken during a visit at our house one night recently. She certainly knows how to work the camera...

...but I think she finally grew tired of all the flashing in her face. :)

1 comment:

ek said...

poor buster! makes me tear up.